Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Made my bed today...

Sounds bizarre but today I have made my bed properly for the first time since before the loft conversion was started. I have had all sorts of things stored in my bedroom, and so have been unable to make the bed in the way I truly like. Odd, I know, but that is just how it is! So tonight I will enjoy getting into a made bed for the first time in ages! Small things keep me happy....

My mood is still not great. I have felt very weepy repeatedly today. The thing that scares me most is how close I have come to having a panic attack. Life is smothering me, and I am trying to keep my head above water. So if you haven't spoken to me for a while and did in the past, give me a ring, so I know you haven't forgotten me. Come and see the girls. Friends are what I need just now.


Unknown said...

just want to send you hugs hun i dont have anyway to contact you unless your on msn. wish i lived closer so i could just pop round. so sending lots of big hugs down over the internet :D

Gin said...

I'm sorry you are not feeling too good at the moment. I just wanted to say how I admire the way you carry on. Your willpower to loose so much weight is incredible.You hold down a a responsible job and your girls are beautiful. Keep going and I hope the 'sun comes out' for you soon.

StarGazer said...

I don't "know" you but wanted to send you another (((hug)))

Susan said...

Found your blog through UKS.

You have every right to feel low. And angry.

No advice just hugs and to let you know I am thinking of you.

Sarah said...

Hope you don't mind me leaving you a comment, I was blog hopping and found yours. Your weight loss is incredible! A little tip when you feel uneasy or a bit panicky, check out your breathing, try to slow it right down and make sure you are breathing from your tummy area and not high up in your chest.(hope that makes sense!:oS) This may help. S x