Monday, September 24, 2007

Time to smile!

Today I booked a trip to this for a surprise for my lovely girls this Christmas. I have toyed with the idea of going to Lapland proper, but the cost and my lone status has ruled it out. Then yesterday I saw a link to the Lapland UK page, discussed it with a friend today and booked it! It looks great, can't wait for the invitation to arrive a fortnight before we go! It is a secret from the girls, so if you see them, please don't spoil it!

I went back to the doctor's today, as I am not coping so well with the post op pain. I have some stronger pain relief now, so I should be able to get some sleep tonight. I've had a quiet and relaxing day today, so I am hoping I will sleep better tonight.

Nothing else to report really, I haven't felt up to much crafting. Must get that sorted!

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