Wednesday, July 16, 2008

An interruption in service

So to speak.
My laptop died a horrible death last night, Alex fell onto it and it has since given up the ghost. I am using my desktop now, so I am thinking a laptop is an unnecessary luxury at the moment. Perhaps I will save up for it in a few months time.

School swimming gala today, organised by me. Ran smoothly I think, enjoyed by almost all the kids. I know swimming is not everyone's cup of tea, so I felt very proud of one child who swam a whole length. It was a difficult task to complete, and they needed encouragement all the way. The whole room was filled with chants for this child to finish the race, even though the other competitors had long since left the pool. Swimming a length like that is a massive achievement, and I felt very proud to have helped them achieve that.

Been out for a curry tonight with some other mums of year 1 at Sophie's school. Very nice it was too.

***Special announcement***

Bella Magazine

29th July release date

My story will be featured!!!

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