What a great weekend, and fortunately nice and relaxing too. It was fantastic to see my bestest bud from school again, and made it even more frustrating that she lives in Bath, so far from us here in Leeds.
On Saturday we went into Leeds and I parted with just short of £100 for shoes for the girls. Had to be done, and it couldn't be done cheaply that's for sure. Then Jo and I hit the shops, going into Fat Face on Briggate.
Wow what lovely clothes. Came out with a swimsuit for Sophie, a belt for me and a gorgeous airlie sweat for me. Ended up with a small man's sweatshirt as the women's ones were not quite what I was looking for. Hit Lush too, and Jo bought her 400th pair of plip plops. Need to get me some methinks. ALthough I have spent plenty on clothes and shoes lately.....
On Saturday afternoon we did some gardening, or maybe that should be described as hard labour... we dug up turf and laid new turf too, Jo wasn't expecting that bless her! My garden does look rather lovely now, and on its way to how I want it to be.
Saturday night was spent in the company of the gorgeous Daniel Craig, as we drooled over Casino Royale. Wow, I just lurve Bond.
Then yesterday we chilled out, nipped to Curry's to get a new kettle, and then spent most of the day either in the garden or laid on the sofas.
After feeding Jo up on her favourite food for lunch, she set off back to Bath.
And that's where I wish it wasn't so far.
Miss you already mate, but thanks for coming up and cheering me up BIG TIME!