Saturday, September 16, 2006

My inspiration

Blogger prompt on UKS

As set by JaneH, yesterday but I didn't get round to it.

What's your creative process? Where do you get your inspiration? How do you like to work? What really gets the juice flowing for you? What do you do if it stops? What inhibits your creativity?

I'm going to answer this a bit out of order.
My inspiration is mostly my 2 gorgeous girls. They are everything to me, and I want them to have great memories to look back on. They especially need memories of their Daddy, as already life is moving on for them. I like to work without interruption other than chat from fellow scrappers. When I'm on my own I put music on and away I go. Looking through my photographs can help get the juices going, as can buying new designs of paper with a certain photo in mind.
Scrapping has been difficult for me lately. I have really lacked the desire to scrap anything personal. I want to scrap Nigel, but I just can't. To put down memories of him on paper, using the past tense, is just too painful yet. Its not as if I am kidding myself that he will come back. I know he's gone. I just need to come round to making pages about someone who was so crucial in my life but isn't there any more.
Today I went to a crop. Mum and dad looked after the girls. I had to scrap, well, I didn't have to but for the first time in ages I felt I wanted to. If I don't feel the desire to scrap, I watch telly, surf the net, anything which doesn't need much concentration. I can't read books yet, that requires too much concentration just now. Only scrapping makes me concentrate.
My life at the moment is what inhibits my creativity. But like I said earlier today, I have broken the block, and now I need to make sure I scrap regularly to stop it disappearing again.


Sandie said...

Loved reading your blog, and I'm glad you've overcome your block. Best wishes for the future hun x

lou said...

Yg,you are so brave and an inspiration to me,I just dont think I would cope if I were you.glad the scrapping helps you to relax a bit, in time I am sure you will be able to scrap some pictures of your dh.
Take care.