Monday, September 11, 2006

Photograph Trauma

Today was a bit traumatic. In December last year we had some photographs taken at a photographer's here in Leeds. At the time we didn't have enough money to buy a family portrait as well as one of each of the girls.
After Nigel's death I decided to go back and see if I could buy the photographs on CD to keep. And maybe one or two photographs. The original company had gone into liquidation but the new company still had the photographs. Initially they refused to let me buy the photos on CD.
At that point I sobbed. For the first time since Nigel died. I was absolutely devastated. I can only hope that the new photography company had thought I was trying to pull a fast one when I went in on Friday.
Anyway, I sobbed to the office girl and then later to the director. So they have agreed to put the photographs with Nigel on onto a CD, and even better they are doing it for free! Plus prints of all of the shots of Nigel.
I am so sorry they felt they needed to deny me access to the photos initally. Did they think I had made it up about Nigel's death? Horrible to think that anyone would do such a thing. Why on earth would I lie about my husband dying?
All's well that ends well, just waiting for the CD and prints to arrive now.


Kelly said...

sending you huge hugs and hoping your cd and photos turn up real soon xxxx

Psychodiva said...

Beautiful photo Anna- (((HUGS)))