Friday, February 15, 2008


Here's my take on forgiveness... two lovely little people who argued and then made up this afternoon! I'm a bit late posting as I have been attacking the mountain of ironing which has consumed my house. Well it has now gone, so tomorrow morning I will be getting the girls to help me put it all away.
Can't believe half term is over already. It seems to have gone in a flash! Oh well, at least it is only 5 weeks til the easter holidays and our trip to Turks and Caicos.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Aw!!!! So lovely. A wondeful take on Forgiveness :-)

Half-term has just started in our home as we are a week later here. Oh Joy . . . lie ins :-)

Yes, Easter is not long. We are off to New York then . . . can't wait!

Have a good weekend . . . Sue