This weekend has been good fun for us all. Friday evening set the scene, with Sophie enjoying her party, and me relaxing with Sarah. Then on Saturday I made it to the Papercrafts show in Harrogate. It was a bit disappointing, but I did pick up some nice stuff from Art from the Heart as usual. Also got a nice album to put all the portraits of the girls in. Then it was Mollie's party, complete with bouncy castle and impressive party bags/cups.
Mum and Dad went home on Saturday, which threw Sophie a bit, but she soon got over it. This morning we went bowling with WAY, and the girls loved it! Alex got a bit fed up in the middle, but she was hungry. Next time we go I will go armed with some snacks, as she was very upset because she wanted to eat more than sweeties. She did, however, go on to win the first game!
After bowling, Deborah and Thomas, TV stars from the Channel 4 documentary came back for lunch. Thomas adored our garden, and it was good to chat with Deborah. I hope they come back soon as it was very easy to talk to her, and the girls really enjoyed playing with Thomas. I also managed to introduce Thomas to a new food which brought back some happy memories of student life for Deborah. Amazing how a Chelsea bun can remind someone of happy days!
Alex is asleep next to me, I will transfer her into her own bed a bit later on. I am hoping they will both sleep a bit later in the morning, what with the clocks changing, giving me the chance to get up and sorted before getting them up and straight out of the house. It is Alex's last week with Gaynor this week, end of an era which is sad. But Alex is ready to move on to nursery so although I will be sorry to say goodbye, the time is right for Alex to change to nursery and going to Debbie's.
Enough of the waffle. Adios amigos.